Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hey liberals, are you paying attention to what's going on in greece?

They have the same type of socialist policies that the ultra-leftwingers want to see in america. There economy is collapsing under the weight of there entitlement spending. The rest of europe is giving them bailout money. That bailout money is contingent on them making spending cuts and raising taxes on everyone(not just the rich). There citizens are rioting because they feel the government is "declaring war" on the citizens. Let's make this clear. If they do not make the cuts, they will not get the bailout money. If they do not get the bailout money, there economy will collapse. Still there citizens are resisting the cuts to entitlement spending. Does this sound familiar? We are witnessing first hand what kind of havoc this kind of mentality causes. Yet we still have a ton of people in America that support exactly this kind of government. What will it take for the socialist liberals to see that IT SIMPLY DOESN'T WORK?

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